All papers included in the congress scientific program will be published as follows:
-All reports submitted on the Bulgarian, Russian, English or German: in a separate volume „International scientific conference “FOUNDRY” Print ISSN 2535-017Х, Web ISSN 2535-0188. for each thematic session
- Papers written in English: in the separate issue of the international scientific journals according to the themes of the reports:
- Мachines. Technologies. Materials
(Print ISSN 1313-0226, Web ISSN 1314-507X).
- Innovations
(Print ISSN 1314-8907, Web ISSN 2534-8469).
- Materials Science. Non-Equilibrium Phase Transformations(Print ISSN 2367-749Х, Web ISSN 2534-8477).
- Science. Business. Society
(Print ISSN 1313-0226, Web ISSN 2534-8485).